Pick Up & Drop Off Pattern

Arrival Procedures

  • Morning Car Riders 

    • Morning car rider line will proceed on Hobe Kiser Road to the back parking lot and drop students off beginning at 7:15 am. Please do not drop your child off before 7:15 am to ensure proper adult supervision.  

    • All morning car riders must enter the building through the car rider line in the back of the building. The front of the building must be kept clear for buses in the morning. The only exception to this would be our Adaptive EC students and families.  

    • Please help us expedite the morning car rider line by…

      • Following the line, continue to pull your vehicle around to the far end of the sidewalk and stop directly behind the car ahead. This allows us to fit as many vehicles in the drop-off area as possible at a time.

      • Students should gather all belongings (bookbag, jacket, water bottle, etc.) and be prepared to safely exit once the vehicle has come to a stop. 

      • Please remain in your vehicle at all times! There are several staff members on duty to greet your child and assist them out of the vehicle as needed. We are happy to help!

      • To ensure the safety of all students and staff, never pull around a stopped vehicle in the car rider line. 

    • Upon arrival, all students will be directed to the cafeteria where they may eat breakfast if desired.

  • Beginning at 7:20 am, students will be dismissed from the cafeteria and are to make their way to their classrooms.

    • Students may remain in the cafeteria to eat/finish their breakfast until 7:35 am, at which point they will be given a “grab-n-go” breakfast bag to eat in the classroom. 

    • All students should be in their classrooms ready to learn by 7:40 am.

    • After 7:40, students are considered tardy and must be checked in through the front office. Please do not drop your child off in the car rider line unattended.   


Dismissal Procedures

  • Afternoon Car Riders

    • Afternoon car rider line will also proceed on Hobe Kiser Road to the back parking lot and will begin once all buses have exited the parking lot (approximately 2:25 pm). 

    • There are six stations for student pick up, the staff member calling names will call your student’s name and give them a number 1-6 (ex: John Smith - #1, Jane Doe - #2). Numbers are displayed with signs 

    • Please proceed to the next open staff member - your child will meet you there. 

am car line

pm car line